My cocker spaniel at 8 years old was showing signs of joint pain. He would yelp when he climbed stairs and was shying away from jumping into the car. A friend told me about "Leaps & Bounds" and how marvelous it was for helping with arthritis and muscle pains. Within a few weeks I could see a difference in my dog's attitude as well as the sheen on his coat. He was back to his old self jumping into the car etc. and he had a lovely shiny coat again. He acted as if his joints were oiled - no pain anymore. Oliver is now 13 years old, still takes "Leaps & Bounds" everyday and is a happy pain free spaniel.
  Heather Strutt - Calgary, AB
A few years ago my parent's cat Chloe was showing symptoms of arthritis in her hind legs and hips. There was some stiffness when she walked and it was difficult for her to jump up onto chairs. At the time she was 14 or 15. I had met Bruce Hanke many years earlier in his capacity as a natural health consultant and renewed contact before the birth of my 4th child. At this time he introduced me to Leaps and Bounds a green food
supplement for pets.... After having Chloe on the product for a while, my mother commented that her stiffness had all but disappeared and she was moving much more quickly and with greater agility. She was even tackling much larger jumps from floor to table tops as well! Another interesting feature which may or may not be related is that she lost some excess weight after having been quite pudgy for a number of years and trimmed down to a "normal" weight for her size.

Today Chloe is very elderly. She has passed her 19th birthday and is very much alive. She is thin and frail but still in good health. Her appetite is robust and people comment on how alert and affectionate she is. One lady said she could see Chloe had a "good spirit". Her legs are showing some stiffness again but she is still surprisingly agile and able to jump up on chairs and couches. A friend of ours saw her jump from the floor to a desk just a couple of months ago. Rock on Chloe!
  Debrah Judith - Winnipeg, MB 
(picture forthcoming) I have 2 Pembroke Welsh Corgis, sisters, that ALWAYS get hot spots before, during and after their seasons. I have always had to have them on medication (antibiotics) to control this. I carry Leaps & Bounds in my Grooming Salon, so thought I would try this instead of the usual round of medication. When the hot spots started, I began giving the girls Leaps & Bounds. Within 3 days the skin had healed & was smooth & normal in appearance. If Leaps & Bounds isn't maintained during their season, the Hot Spots will re-appear. Leaps & Bounds seems to boost their immune system during the heat cycle, when I suppose the hormone fluctuations play a large role in what happens to their system. My girls will NEVER go through a heat cycle without Leaps & Bounds!!!
  Irenne Majcher Bader, Backdoor Grooming - Winnipeg, MB 
Dear Leaps and Bounds,

I am one of the coordinators of a retired racing greyhound rescue. Our job is to find loving homes for dogs off of the tracks. Many come into our possession with previous injuries that are sometimes seen by a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment, but most often are not. The first Greyhound that I adopted off of a Florida track had a long career, and with that had several scars and such by the time he reached my home. It wasn't long before I discovered that he favored his right hind leg on occasion. I had him to the Vet and x-rays were taken. I had the x-rays looked over by 2 Veterinarians, a Veterinary Orthopedic Surgeon, and a canine Chiropractor. The news was not good. "Bugsy" had an old injury that was never properly dealt with. He had no cartilage or fluid left in the knee joint and it was bone rubbing on bone with massive amounts of scar tissue. The x-rays showed pieces of bone chipped off and floating around the area. I was informed that if "Bugsy" were a person, he would not be able to walk and that he is in severe pain all of the time. He is such a stoic creature that I had no idea. I tried the pain meds and the cartrophen injections for a while, but they did not seem to help much. I started the Leaps and Bounds as a last hope. With in a couple of months I was able to wean "Bugsy" off of the pain meds and I was noticing a marked improvement in his mobility. I now know that "Bugsy" is a much better dog because of Leaps and Bounds. I ran out when I was away on a trip and within a couple of weeks, he started limping again. I now make sure that he always has his Leaps and Bounds.Thank you for giving my dog a chance for a quality life.

Sincerely, Kim Gibson


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